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Exciting News! Amped Services is now rebranded to Varsity Zone.

Our Southwest Florida, FL Team

  • Philip Crutchfield

    Philip, a devoted father of four ranging from 6 to 25, embodies the role of a career dad. His wife, Angie, has been a cornerstone of support, enabling him to pursue his entrepreneurial ventures. "Angie's unwavering support has been instrumental in launching and managing these diverse business endeavors," Philip notes gratefully.

    Originally hailing from Chicago and an avid fan of its sports teams, Philip finds solace in tennis and golf during his rare moments of leisure. His professional journey commenced in sales across various sectors, laying a robust foundation for his start into entrepreneurship. His first venture in 2011 aimed to simplify auctions in the non-profit realm, followed by a second venture in 2016, streamlining valet services for greater convenience.

    Following his successful exit amid the challenges of the pandemic, Philip redirected his focus to the specialty contractor sector, co-founding Mighty Dog Roofing with his business partner. With an exceptional team by his side, he eagerly anticipates further expansion of their burgeoning contractor portfolio.

    Philip thrives on disrupting business norms and rejects the idea of adhering to tradition for tradition's sake. He famously quips that the eight most costly words in any industry are "this is the way we've always done it."